

Breastfeeding is a natural continuation of the pregnancy and birth for both mother and baby. Sometimes, however early it may be harder or after the first few weeks we can meet some problems, or everything can go smoothly, but like any new mother and us to try our various issues related to our child.

You can read more about nursing: preparing for breastfeeding, early days with the baby, living with breast-fed baby, breast-feeding over year old, avoiding common difficulties, feeding and weaning, nutrition and health of the mother.

Breastfeeding has advantages for both baby and mother and for the environment and economy. Here are the most important ones:

Advantages for baby:

• Babies fed with formula milk, suffer much more than nursing. In these bacterial infections are 10 times more frequently, meningitis - 4 times, diarrhea - five times, ear infections - 3-4 times more often. All of the following diseases occur 4 times more common in artificially fed infants: respiratory infections, sudden infant syndrome deaths (SIDS), allergies, asthma, diabetes type I childhood cancer such as lymphoma and leukemia, Crohn's disease, colitis, multiple sclerosis, eczema, rheumatoid arthritis and others.

• Breastfeeding reduces the risk of allergies. In the first months of life, breast milk protects the baby from potential allergens. It also postponed the introduction of foods that can cause allergies such as cow's milk, infant formula, prepared by him, soybeans and soy milk.

• Babies fed with formula milk, respond poorly to vaccines and produce fewer antibodies against the disease. Nursing, on the other hand, increases the effectiveness of vaccines, providing an additional immunity to various diseases and support the development of the immune system of the baby.

• sucking assist the proper development of teeth and jaw. Babies suck differently from breast and bottle. Therefore, babies fed by bottle, slower develop clear speech and often need dental treatment, whereas breast-fed babies less likely develop caries. Children breastfed for more than one year less in need of dental treatment.

• Children who were breastfed have higher IQs. Breast milk contains fat and other ingredients that help brain development. These ingredients are missing in infant formula.

• Children who were exclusively breastfed during the first 6 months of life, much less suffer from respiratory diseases and digestive system. They very rarely respiratory tract infections, pneumonia, flu, allergies and disorders.

• The changing taste of milk (depending on the diet of the mother) prepares the child for a variety of flavors, which will introduce after power.

• Breastfeeding satisfies baby's emotional needs.

• Breastfeeding provides perfect nutrition for the child.

• Breastfeeding reduces the likelihood of kidney disease, because breast milk contains less salt and protein formula, which is still immature kidneys of the baby can not cope.

• Breastfeeding protects children against diarrheal infections, which can be deadly for the baby.

• Breastfeeding reduces the risk of heart disease in adulthood. This is partly due to the higher cholesterol content in milk. The liver of the breastfed baby learns to process cholesterol better than that of artificial feeding that persists into adulthood. This leads to lower cholesterol levels and lower risk of heart attack.

• Breast milk is more easily digestible.

• Children with acute appendicitis usually were not breastfed!

• Breastfed children have lower risk of cardiopulmonary disease and ulcerative colitis distress.

• Breastfed babies are healthier.

• Breastmilk is ideal food for sick babies.

• Breastfed babies rarely get skin eczema.

• Fresh milk is never contaminated bacteria. Breast milk does not spoil at room temperature for 8 hours.

• Breast milk contains products of genetic engineering and synthetic growth hormones.

• Breast milk is a good tool to combat eye infections.

• Breast milk naturally suppresses the pain of the baby.

• Breast milk is a good natural antibiotic for wounds.

• Breastmilk is always ready and served in a nice package Wink .

• Breast milk for premature infants have different composition from that of denunciation. Breast milk changes over time to meet the needs of the growing baby. Formula, on the other hand, is static substance - its composition is fixed, if prepared in the same way.

• Breastfeeding protects baby from defects of vision. The potency of vision is higher in breastfed babies.

• Cow's milk and intestinal irritant is the first among the products that cause allergies.

• Breastfed children have a shorter pre-and postoperativnogladuvane in surgeries.

• Breast milk is always proper ratio of fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

• Breast milk is more delicious than the artificial food.

• For breastfed infants until the third year mortality was lower.

• Breastfed babies require fewer doctor visits.

• Breast milk promotes the separation of meconium (the first izprazhnenieya after birth).

• Breastfed kids have beautiful skin.

• Breastfeeding reduces the risk of urinary tract infections in infants.

• sucking improve coordination hand-eye. "

• Breastfeeding saves concern that the baby food may not be consistent with recent findings of the food industry.

• Breastfed babies smell fantastic. Even the smell of their feces is more pleasant than that of formula-fed! The likelihood of constipation is minimal.

• At one year, breastfed babies are weaker than formula-fed, and the likelihood of developing overweight later, is minimal.

• Breastfeeding is recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, the American Academy of Pediatrics, Canadian Paediatric Society, La Leche League and many others.

• Breast milk is for babies!

Advantages for the mother:

• Artificial feeding increases the risk of cancer in later life. Breastfeeding reduces the likelihood of breast cancer by 25%. The longer a woman breastfeeds, the less the risk of breast cancer.

• Breastfeeding reduces risk of cancer of the uterus and ovaries. During the lactation period estrogen levels are very low. The less estrogen in the body has, the less is the stimulation of the uterus and ovaries. During this time they "lie". Hardly develop ova, resulting in reduced risk of cancer.

• During breastfeeding is given a hormone that helps the contraction of the uterus.

• sucking assisted weakening of the mother after birth. Studies show that one month after birth, breastfeeding women have weakened more and have less fat than nekarmeshtite. Lactating women recover faster weight and shape from before birth (in exclusive breastfeeding, on demand, day and night!).

• Breastfeeding decreases insulin requirements of lactating women, which is especially important for women with diabetes.

• Breastfeeding reduces the chance of osteoporosis during menopause. Studies show that the greatest risk of osteoporosis were nulliparas, the risk decreases at birth but nekarmili, and is lowest at birth and nursing women. The probability of the birth, but nekarmila woman to get osteoporosis is 4 times higher than for a woman who has nursed.

• Breastfeeding protects the mother from iron deficiency anemia.

• Breast-feeding leads to fewer hospital for parents.

• Breastfeeding is a natural contraceptive. In women whose children are exclusively breastfed during the first six months, breastfeeding on demand day and night, still have a monthly cycle, the protective effect of breastfeeding pregnancy is 98%!

• Breastfeeding is easier than bottle-feeding. Do not need constant washing and sterilizing bottles and teats, making milk, refrigeration, heating, and then back all over again.

• Breastfeeding is free and formula is expensive.

• Breastfeeding acts as a natural tranquilizer for the mother.

• Breastfeeding mothers spend less time and money on medical examinations.

• If breastfeeding does not need to carry bottles.

• Breastfeeding provides more sleep for both mother and father.

• If breastfeeding is needed less purchases of supplies and utensils for eating.

• Breastfeeding facilitates the laundering of linen baby - breast milk does not stain, unlike formula milk.

• Breastfeeding mothers spend less money on menstrual hygiene.

• Breastfeeding strengthens the confidence of the mother. In nekarmeshtite women often observed feelings of guilt because they do not breastfeed their children.

• Changing diapers in breastfed babies is more enjoyable - their diapers no odors to those of nekarmenite babies.

• However, these are designed chest.

Advantages for the environment and the economy:

• Feeding formula damage to the environment because it takes more land and grain to feed the cows from which milk is taken. This land can be used for growing plants - food for humans and where forests are cut down to create pastures, this leads to increased greenhouse effect - all the result of raising cows.

• For the production of infant formula are also needed for transport trucks, gas or electricity for cooking or cooling it.

• For packaging necessary formula cans and labels. Every year we spend approximately 2.05 million kg metal and 1,230 tons of wrapping paper formula. At the same time, breast milk is a valuable and economical natural food that should not be cast aside.

• When feeding your baby formula need to purchase bottles and teats, continued their washing and sterilization, carefully storing the prepared milk to not develop bacteria, and heat it. Breast milk, on the other hand, always ready with a suitable temperature, composition and quantity, and fresh milk is never contaminated bacteria.

• Breast milk contains products of genetic engineering and synthetic growth hormones.

• Artificial feeding costs the government and taxpayers millions of dollars.

• If breastfeeding is needed less purchases of supplies and utensils for eating.

• Breastfeeding has never been subject to "reclaim".

• In nursing there is concern as to which brand is better.

• No worrying if you have not added dirty water.
