
How does breastfeeding save lives and prevent illnesses during an emergency?

How does breastfeeding save lives and prevent illnesses during an emergency?

Breastfeeding protects babies from the risks of a contaminated water supply. It provides protection against respiratory illnesses and diarrhea—diseases that can be fatal in populations displaced by disaster. This is especially important during disruption of power, water and other services.

Lawrence M. Gartner, M.D., chair of the Section on Breastfeeding of the American Academy of Pediatrics and Health Advisory Council Member of La Leche League International (LLLI) states: “Human milk is a valuable resource that can not only protect the vulnerable infant from disease, but can also promote psychological health and comfort during stressful times. Human milk reduces pain and promotes more rapid healing after injuries and infections.”

As natural disasters in recent years have demonstrated, the ability to transport and store water, food and other necessities is greatly diminished during and following catastrophic destruction. Human milk is readily available and provides all the necessary nutrition needed by an infant. In fact, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics and other health organizations around the world, exclusive breastfeeding, i.e., breastfeeding without the introduction of any other foods or water is the ideal infant feeding method for all babies during the first six months.

In special situations such as when complementary foods are not available, many infants have been exclusively fed on human milk for more than six months.
